
(function(Proton, undefined) {
	//can use Collision(emitter,true,function(){}) or Collision();

	 * The callback after collision
	 * @callback Callback
	 * @param {Proton.Particle} particle
	 * @param {Proton.Paritcle} otherParticle
	 * @memberof! Proton#
	 * @augments Proton.Behaviour
	 * @constructor
	 * @alias Proton.Collision
	 * @todo add description to mass
	 * @param {Proton.Emitter} 	[emitter=null] 		the attraction point coordinates
	 * @param {Boolean} 		[mass=true]			
	 * @param {Callback}	 	[callback=null]		the callback after the collision
	 * @param {Number} [life=Infinity] 				this behaviour's life
	 * @param {String} [easing=Proton.easeLinear] 	this behaviour's easing
	 * @property {String} name The Behaviour name
	function Collision(emitter, mass, callback, life, easing) {, life, easing);
		this.reset(emitter, mass, callback); = "Collision";

	Proton.Util.inherits(Collision, Proton.Behaviour);

	 * Reset this behaviour's parameters
	 * @memberof Proton#Proton.Collision
	 * @method reset
	 * @instance
	 * @todo add description to mass
	 * @param {Proton.Emitter} 	[emitter=null] 		the attraction point coordinates
	 * @param {Boolean} 		[mass=true]			
	 * @param {Callback}	 	[callback=null]		the callback after the collision
	 * @param {Number} 			[life=Infinity] 	this behaviour's life
	 * @param {String} [easing=Proton.easeLinear] 	this behaviour's easing
	Collision.prototype.reset = function(emitter, mass, callback, life, easing) {
		this.emitter = Proton.Util.initValue(emitter, null);
		this.mass = Proton.Util.initValue(mass, true);
		this.callback = Proton.Util.initValue(callback, null);
		this.collisionPool = []; = new Proton.Vector2D();
		if (life), life, easing);

	 * Apply this behaviour for all particles every time
	 * @memberof Proton#Proton.Collision
	 * @method applyBehaviour
	 * @instance
	 * @param {Proton.Particle} particle
	 * @param {Number} 			time the integrate time 1/ms
	 * @param {Int} 			index the particle index
	Collision.prototype.applyBehaviour = function(particle, time, index) {
		var newPool = this.emitter ? this.emitter.particles.slice(index) : this.pool.slice(index);
		var otherParticle;
		var lengthSq;
		var overlap;
		var averageMass1, averageMass2;
		var length = newPool.length;
		for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
			otherParticle = newPool[i];
			if (otherParticle !== particle) {;;
				lengthSq =;
				distance = particle.radius + otherParticle.radius;

				if (lengthSq <= distance * distance) {
					overlap = distance - Math.sqrt(lengthSq);
					overlap += 0.5;
					totalMass = particle.mass + otherParticle.mass;
					averageMass1 = this.mass ? otherParticle.mass / totalMass : 0.5;
					averageMass2 = this.mass ? particle.mass / totalMass : 0.5;
					particle.p.add( * -averageMass1));
					otherParticle.p.add( * averageMass2));
					if (this.callback)
						this.callback(particle, otherParticle);

	Proton.Collision = Collision;